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HTMLرموز الحدود

طريقة عرض رموز الحدود

رموز الحدود، رموز الصناديق أو رموز الخطوط عبارة عن مجموعة أحرف إن تم وضعها مع بعضها يقوم المتصفح بعرض خط له شكل محدد مكانها. هذه الأحرف مهمة جداً فهي تتيح لك إمكانية عرض أي حدود تريد في الصفحة حتى و إن كان الشكل المراد رسمه غير موجوداً على الكيبورد الذي تستخدمه.

الأحرف التي نستخدمها لعرض الحدود يمكن وضعها بأسلوب عشري ( Decimal ) أو بأسلوب سداسي عشري ( Hexadecimal ).

قاعدة عامة

  • عند استخدام الأسلوب Decimal يجب إضافة &# قبل وضع أحرف الرمز.
  • عند استخدام الأسلوب Hexadecimal يجب إضافة &#x قبل وضع أحرف الرمز.

كما أنه يفضّل دائماً وضع فاصلة منقوطة ; بعد كتابة أحرف الرمز و هذا أمر اختياري و لكننا ننصح بفعله.

في الجدول التالي قمنا بذكر كل الرموز المتاحة التي يمكن استخدامها لعرض حدود.

الرمز Decimal Hexadecimal إسمه مثال
─ ─ Box Drawings Light Horizontal جربه
━ ━ Box Drawings Heavy Horizontal جربه
│ │ Box Drawings Light Vertical جربه
┃ ┃ Box Drawings Heavy Vertical جربه
┄ ┄ Box Drawings Light Triple Dash Horizontal جربه
┅ ┅ Box Drawings Heavy Triple Dash Horizontal جربه
┆ ┆ Box Drawings Light Triple Dash Vertical جربه
┇ ┇ Box Drawings Heavy Triple Dash Vertical جربه
┈ ┈ Box Drawings Light Quadruple Dash Horizontal جربه
┉ ┉ Box Drawings Heavy Quadruple Dash Horizontal جربه
┊ ┊ Box Drawings Light Quadruple Dash Vertical جربه
┋ ┋ Box Drawings Heavy Quadruple Dash Vertical جربه
┌ ┌ Box Drawings Light Down And Right جربه
┍ ┍ Box Drawings Down Light And Right Heavy جربه
┎ ┎ Box Drawings Down Heavy And Right Light جربه
┏ ┏ Box Drawings Heavy Down And Right جربه
┐ ┐ Box Drawings Light Down And Left جربه
┑ ┑ Box Drawings Down Light And Left Heavy جربه
┒ ┒ Box Drawings Down Heavy And Left Light جربه
┓ ┓ Box Drawings Heavy Down And Left جربه
└ └ Box Drawings Light Up And Right جربه
┕ ┕ Box Drawings Up Light And Right Heavy جربه
┖ ┖ Box Drawings Up Heavy And Right Light جربه
┗ ┗ Box Drawings Heavy Up And Right جربه
┘ ┘ Box Drawings Light Up And Left جربه
┙ ┙ Box Drawings Up Light And Left Heavy جربه
┚ ┚ Box Drawings Up Heavy And Left Light جربه
┛ ┛ Box Drawings Heavy Up And Left جربه
├ ├ Box Drawings Light Vertical And Right جربه
┝ ┝ Box Drawings Vertical Light And Right Heavy جربه
┞ ┞ Box Drawings Up Heavy And Right Down Light جربه
┟ ┟ Box Drawings Down Heavy And Right Up Light جربه
┠ ┠ Box Drawings Vertical Heavy And Right Light جربه
┡ ┡ Box Drawings Down Light And Right Up Heavy جربه
┢ ┢ Box Drawings Up Light And Right Down Heavy جربه
┣ ┣ Box Drawings Heavy Vertical And Right جربه
┤ ┤ Box Drawings Light Vertical And Left جربه
┥ ┥ Box Drawings Vertical Light And Left Heavy جربه
┦ ┦ Box Drawings Up Heavy And Left Down Light جربه
┧ ┧ Box Drawings Down Heavy And Left Up Light جربه
┨ ┨ Box Drawings Vertical Heavy And Left Light جربه
┩ ┩ Box Drawings Down Light And Left Up Heavy جربه
┪ ┪ Box Drawings Up Light And Left Down Heavy جربه
┫ ┫ Box Drawings Heavy Vertical And Left جربه
┬ ┬ Box Drawings Light Down And Horizontal جربه
┭ ┭ Box Drawings Left Heavy And Right Down Light جربه
┮ ┮ Box Drawings Right Heavy And Left Down Light جربه
┯ ┯ Box Drawings Down Light And Horizontal Heavy جربه
┰ ┰ Box Drawings Down Heavy And Horizontal Light جربه
┱ ┱ Box Drawings Right Light And Left Down Heavy جربه
┲ ┲ Box Drawings Left Light And Right Down Heavy جربه
┳ ┳ Box Drawings Heavy Down And Horizontal جربه
┴ ┴ Box Drawings Light Up And Horizontal جربه
┵ ┵ Box Drawings Left Heavy And Right Up Light جربه
┶ ┶ Box Drawings Right Heavy And Left Up Light جربه
┷ ┷ Box Drawings Up Light And Horizontal Heavy جربه
┸ ┸ Box Drawings Up Heavy And Horizontal Light جربه
┹ ┹ Box Drawings Right Light And Left Up Heavy جربه
┺ ┺ Box Drawings Left Light And Right Up Heavy جربه
┻ ┻ Box Drawings Heavy Up And Horizontal جربه
┼ ┼ Box Drawings Light Vertical And Horizontal جربه
┽ ┽ Box Drawings Left Heavy And Right Vertical Light جربه
┾ ┾ Box Drawings Right Heavy And Left Vertical Light جربه
┿ ┿ Box Drawings Vertical Light And Horizontal Heavy جربه
╀ ╀ Box Drawings Up Heavy And Down Horizontal Light جربه
╁ ╁ Box Drawings Down Heavy And Up Horizontal Light جربه
╂ ╂ Box Drawings Vertical Heavy And Horizontal Light جربه
╃ ╃ Box Drawings Left Up Heavy And Right Down Light جربه
╄ ╄ Box Drawings Right Up Heavy And Left Down Light جربه
╅ ╅ Box Drawings Left Down Heavy And Right Up Light جربه
╆ ╆ Box Drawings Right Down Heavy And Left Up Light جربه
╇ ╇ Box Drawings Down Light And Up Horizontal Heavy جربه
╈ ╈ Box Drawings Up Light And Down Horizontal Heavy جربه
╉ ╉ Box Drawings Right Light And Left Vertical Heavy جربه
╊ ╊ Box Drawings Left Light And Right Vertical Heavy جربه
╋ ╋ Box Drawings Heavy Vertical And Horizontal جربه
╌ ╌ Box Drawings Light Double Dash Horizontal جربه
╍ ╍ Box Drawings Heavy Double Dash Horizontal جربه
╎ ╎ Box Drawings Light Double Dash Vertical جربه
╏ ╏ Box Drawings Heavy Double Dash Vertical جربه
═ ═ Box Drawings Double Horizontal جربه
║ ║ Box Drawings Double Vertical جربه
╒ ╒ Box Drawings Down Single And Right Double جربه
╓ ╓ Box Drawings Down Double And Right Single جربه
╔ ╔ Box Drawings Double Down And Right جربه
╕ ╕ Box Drawings Down Single And Left Double جربه
╖ ╖ Box Drawings Down Double And Left Single جربه
╗ ╗ Box Drawings Double Down And Left جربه
╘ ╘ Box Drawings Up Single And Right Double جربه
╙ ╙ Box Drawings Up Double And Right Single جربه
╚ ╚ Box Drawings Double Up And Right جربه
╛ ╛ Box Drawings Up Single And Left Double جربه
╜ ╜ Box Drawings Up Double And Left Single جربه
╝ ╝ Box Drawings Double Up And Left جربه
╞ ╞ Box Drawings Vertical Single And Right Double جربه
╟ ╟ Box Drawings Vertical Double And Right Single جربه
╠ ╠ Box Drawings Double Vertical And Right جربه
╡ ╡ Box Drawings Vertical Single And Left Double جربه
╢ ╢ Box Drawings Vertical Double And Left Single جربه
╣ ╣ Box Drawings Double Vertical And Left جربه
╤ ╤ Box Drawings Down Single And Horizontal Double جربه
╥ ╥ Box Drawings Down Double And Horizontal Single جربه
╦ ╦ Box Drawings Double Down And Horizontal جربه
╧ ╧ Box Drawings Up Single And Horizontal Double جربه
╨ ╨ Box Drawings Up Double And Horizontal Single جربه
╩ ╩ Box Drawings Double Up And Horizontal جربه
╪ ╪ Box Drawings Vertical Single And Horizontal Double جربه
╫ ╫ Box Drawings Vertical Double And Horizontal Single جربه
╬ ╬ Box Drawings Double Vertical And Horizontal جربه
╭ ╭ Box Drawings Light Arc Down And Right جربه
╮ ╮ Box Drawings Light Arc Down And Left جربه
╯ ╯ Box Drawings Light Arc Up And Left جربه
╰ ╰ Box Drawings Light Arc Up And Right جربه
╱ ╱ Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Right To Lower Left جربه
╲ ╲ Box Drawings Light Diagonal Upper Left To Lower Right جربه
╳ ╳ Box Drawings Light Diagonal Cross جربه
╴ ╴ Box Drawings Light Left جربه
╵ ╵ Box Drawings Light Up جربه
╶ ╶ Box Drawings Light Right جربه
╷ ╷ Box Drawings Light Down جربه
╸ ╸ Box Drawings Heavy Left جربه
╹ ╹ Box Drawings Heavy Up جربه
╺ ╺ Box Drawings Heavy Right جربه
╻ ╻ Box Drawings Heavy Down جربه
╼ ╼ Box Drawings Light Left And Heavy Right جربه
╽ ╽ Box Drawings Light Up And Heavy Down جربه
╾ ╾ Box Drawings Heavy Left And Light Right جربه
╿ ╿ Box Drawings Heavy Up And Light Down جربه