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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةأسماء العلم و أسماء النكرة

الإختبار الثالث

إختر الجواب الصحيح.

  1. Mom cooks lunch.Lunch is subject.---Mom and lunch are subjects.---Lunch is object and Mom is subject.
    Lunch is subject.
    Mom and lunch are subjects.
    Lunch is object and Mom is subject.
    تحضر أمي الغداء
  2. I wear a white dress. I is subject and white is object.---I is a demonstrative pronoun and dress is object.---I is subject and dress is object.
    I is subject and white is object.
    I is a demonstrative pronoun and dress is object.
    I is subject and dress is object.
    لبستث ثوباً أبيض .
  3. Carly will buy a shirt.This sentence is wrong.---Carly is a proper noun and shirt is object.---Will is object and shirt is object.
    This sentence is wrong.
    Carly is a proper noun and shirt is object.
    Will is object and shirt is object.
    سوف تشتري كارلي قميصاً.
  4. Omar and Salem speak English and Arabic.We can replace (Omar and Salem) with they.---We can replace (Omar and Salem) with he.---In this sentence, we can repalce Omar with he.
    We can replace (Omar and Salem) with they.
    We can replace (Omar and Salem) with he.
    In this sentence, we can repalce Omar with he.
    عمر و سالم يتحدثان العربية و الإنجليزية.
  5. Sarah has a cat called Katty.We can replace Sarah and Katty with she.---Sarah and Katty are proper nouns.---We can replace Sarah with she and cat with it.
    We can replace Sarah and Katty with she.
    Sarah and Katty are proper nouns.
    We can replace Sarah with she and cat with it.
    لدى سارة قطة تدعى كاتي
  6. My father drives his car.His is an adjective.---His is a subject pronoun.---None of all.
    His is an adjective.
    His is a subject pronoun.
    None of all.
    أبي يقود سيارته.