تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةأسماء العلم و أسماء النكرة
الإختبار الأول
إختر الجواب الصحيح.
- Table, book and friends are:
Common nouns --- Proper nouns
Common nounsProper nounsطاولة، كتاب و أصدقاء هم
- John, Anna and Ali are:
Common nouns --- Proper nouns
Common nounsProper nounsجون، آنا و علي هم
- Dogs, cats and children are:
Common nouns --- Proper nouns
Common nounsProper nounsكلاب، قطط و أطفال هم
- Arabic and English languages are:
Common nouns --- Proper nouns
Common nounsProper nounsاللغتين العربية و الإنجليزية هما
- Palestine is:
Common noun --- Proper noun
Common nounProper nounفلسطين هي
- Tripoli is:
Common noun --- Proper noun
Common nounProper nounطرابلس هي
- November is:
Common noun --- Proper noun
Common nounProper nounنوفمبر هو
- Monday is:
Common noun --- Proper noun
Common nounProper nounالإثنين هو
- Twenty is:
Common noun --- Proper noun
Common nounProper nounعشرون هو
- Laptop is:
Common noun --- Proper noun
Common nounProper nounالطيور هي