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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةأسماء العلم و أسماء النكرة

الإختبار الثاني

إختر الجواب الصحيح.

  1. To know "the subject" of a sentence we ask using the word How --- Who --- What
    لمعرفة الفاعل في الجملة نسأل بواسطة
  2. To know "the object" of a sentence we ask using the word How --- Who --- What
    لمعرفة المفعول به في الجملة نسأل بواسطة
  3. Last year, I went to Egypt. Egypt is a common noun --- Egypt is a proper noun
    Egypt is a common noun
    Egypt is a proper noun
    السنة الماضية، ذهبت إلى مصر
  4. Islam is a religion. Islam is the subject --- religion is the object --- Both are true
    Islam is the subject
    religion is the object
    Both are true
    الإسلام هو دين
  5. I have school next week. I is the subject --- school is the subject
    I is the subject
    school is the subject
    عندي مدرسة الأسبوع القادم
  6. My cat drinks milk. My cat is a proper noun --- My cat is a common noun
    My cat is a proper noun
    My cat is a common noun
    قطتي تشرب الحليب.
  7. Hassan is a doctor doctor is a proper noun --- doctor is a common noun
    doctor is a proper noun
    doctor is a common noun
    حسان هو طبيب
  8. Amazon is an American company. Amazon is a proper noun --- American is a proper noun --- Both are proper nouns
    Amazon is a proper noun
    American is a proper noun
    Both are proper nouns
    أمازون هي شركة أمريكية