تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةأسماء العلم و أسماء النكرة
الإختبار الثاني
إختر الجواب الصحيح.
- To know "the subject" of a sentence we ask using the word
How --- Who --- What
HowWhoWhatلمعرفة الفاعل في الجملة نسأل بواسطة
- To know "the object" of a sentence we ask using the word
How --- Who --- What
HowWhoWhatلمعرفة المفعول به في الجملة نسأل بواسطة
- Last year, I went to Egypt.
Egypt is a common noun --- Egypt is a proper noun
Egypt is a common nounEgypt is a proper nounالسنة الماضية، ذهبت إلى مصر
- Islam is a religion.
Islam is the subject --- religion is the object --- Both are true
Islam is the subjectreligion is the objectBoth are trueالإسلام هو دين
- I have school next week.
I is the subject --- school is the subject
I is the subjectschool is the subjectعندي مدرسة الأسبوع القادم
- My cat drinks milk.
My cat is a proper noun --- My cat is a common noun
My cat is a proper nounMy cat is a common nounقطتي تشرب الحليب.
- Hassan is a doctor
doctor is a proper noun --- doctor is a common noun
doctor is a proper noundoctor is a common nounحسان هو طبيب
- Amazon is an American company.
Amazon is a proper noun --- American is a proper noun --- Both are proper nouns
Amazon is a proper nounAmerican is a proper nounBoth are proper nounsأمازون هي شركة أمريكية