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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةالحالة الشرطية الثالثة

الإختبار الأول

إختر التصريف الصحيح للفعل.

  1. If my mom --- have asked --- had asked me, I --- would have tell --- would have told her the truth.
    لو كانت أمي قد سألتني، لكنت قد أخبرتها الحقيقة.
  2. We --- had been --- would have bought a dress if the store --- had been --- would bought open.
    لكنتُ قد اشتريت ثوباً لو كان المحل مفتوحاً.
  3. My father --- would have traveled --- have learned to Germany if he --- have travel --- had learned German.
    لكان أبي قد سافر إلى ألمانيا لو كان قد تعلم اللغة الألمانية.
  4. If Sarah --- have answered --- had answered the question, she --- would have win --- would have won the prize.
    لو كانت سارة قد أجابت عن السؤال، لكانت ربحت الجائزة.
  5. If he --- have had --- had had a mobile, he --- could have playing --- could have played some games.
    لو كان يملك هاتفاً، لكان قد استطاع لعب بعض الألعاب.
  6. If the student --- had read --- have read his quiz, he --- could have found --- could have find his mistakes.
    لو كان التلميذ قد قرأ المسابقة، لكان قد عثر على أخطائه.
  7. The car --- might not had crashed --- might not have crashed again if you --- had fixed --- had fixing it.
    لم تكن السيارة لتتحطم مجدداً، لو كنت قد أصلحتها.
  8. The policeman --- would had caught --- would have caught the thief if he --- had hurryed --- had hurried.
    لاستطاع رجل الشرطة الإمساك باللص، لو كان قد أسرع.
  9. If we --- had taken --- have take an airplaine, we ---would have come --- would have came faster.
    لو كنا قد أخذنا طائرة، لكنا وصلنا أسرع.