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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةالحالة الشرطية الثانية

الإختبار الأول

إختر التصريف الصحيح للفعل.

  1. If you --- was --- were older, you --- would study --- will study Math.
    لو كنت أكبر، لدرست الرياضيات.
  2. If --- snows --- snowed, we --- would throw --- would throws snowballs.
    لو أثلجت، لرمينا كراة الثّلج.
  3. I --- would call --- called her if she --- gave --- would give her number.
    لإتصلت بها لو أعطتني رقمها.
  4. If you --- opened --- opens the windows, it --- wouldn't be --- was not so hot.
    لو فتحت النّوافذ، لم يكن الجو حاراً.
  5. What would you --- do --- did if you --- win --- won the big prize?
    ماذا كنت لتفعل لو ربحت الجائزة الكبرى؟
  6. If you --- danced --- would dance with me, I --- was --- would be happy.
    لو رقصت معي، لكنتُ سعيداً.
  7. If Hala --- sell --- sold her old car, she --- could buy --- could bayed a new phone.
    لو باعت هالة سيارتها القديمة، لإستطاعت شراء هاتف جديد.
  8. James Milner --- would be --- was the top one midfielder if he --- trains --- trained well.
    لكان جيمس ميلنر لاعب خط الوسط الأول لو تدرب جيداً.