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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةالخطاب المباشر و غير المباشر

الإختبار الأول

إختر صياغة الخطاب غير المباشر الصحيحة للجملة.

  1. Mohammad said: “I live in Beirut”. Mohammad said that he has lived in Beirut. --- Mohammad said that he lived in Beirut.
    Mohammad said that he has lived in Beirut.
    Mohammad said that he lived in Beirut.
    قال محمد: "أنا أعيش في بيروت".
  2. Lama said: “I can play tennis”. Lama said that she could play tennis. --- Lama said that she can’t play tennis.
    Lama said that she could play tennis.
    Lama said that she can’t play tennis.
    قالت لما: "أستطيع أن ألعب كرة المضرب".
  3. He said: “I met my cousin yesterday”. He said that he met his cousin yesterday. --- He said that he had met his cousin the previous day.
    He said that he met his cousin yesterday.
    He said that he had met his cousin the previous day.
    هو قال: "إلتقيت بابن عمي أمس".
  4. Maya said: “I work here”. Maya said that she worked there. --- Maya said that she was working there.
    Maya said that she worked there.
    Maya said that she was working there.
    قالت مايا: "أنا أعمل هنا".
  5. Lea said: “I'm busy today”. Lea said that she was busy that day. --- Lea said that she was busy today.
    Lea said that she was busy that day.
    Lea said that she was busy today.
    قالت ليا: "أنا مشغولة اليوم".
  6. Mohamad said: “I need to see the doctor tomorrow”. Mohammad said that he needed to see the doctor the next day. --- Mohammad said that he needs to see the doctor.
    Mohammad said that he needed to see the doctor the next day.
    Mohammad said that he needs to see the doctor.
    قال محمد: "أحتاجُ أن أرى الطّبيب غداً."
  7. My sister tells me: “I am reading now”. My sister tells me that she is reading now. --- My sister tells me that she was reading at that moment.
    My sister tells me that she is reading now.
    My sister tells me that she was reading at that moment.
    تقول لي أختي: "أنا أقرأ الآن".
  8. My cousin told me: “I haven't see your brother since last year”. My cousin told me that he hadn’t seen my brother since the year before. --- My cousin told me that he hasn’t see my brother.
    My cousin told me that he hadn’t seen my brother since the year before.
    My cousin told me that he hasn’t see my brother.
    قال لي إبن عمي: "لم أرَ شقيقك منذ العام الماضي".
  9. My teacher asked me: “have you signed your test?” My teacher asked me whether I had signed my test. --- My teacher asks me whether I signed my test.
    My teacher asked me whether I had signed my test.
    My teacher asks me whether I signed my test.
    سألتني المعلمة: "هل وقّعت إمتحانك".
  10. Steven asked me: “where are you going today?” Steven asked me where I was going today. --- Steven asked me where I was going that day.
    Steven asked me where I was going today.
    Steven asked me where I was going that day.
    سألني ستيفن: "إلى أين ستذهب اليوم؟"