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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةالحالة الشرطية الصفرية

الإختبار الثاني

حدد جواب الشرط في كل من الجمل التالية.

  1. If you don't wear your jacket, you get cold. If you don't wear you jacket. --- You get cold.
    If you don't wear you jacket.
    You get cold.
    إذا لم تلبس معطفك، فإنّك تمرض.
  2. Some continents sink, if sea water levels rise. Some continents sink. --- If sea water levels rise.
    Some continents sink.
    If sea water levels rise.
    تغرق بعض القارات إذا إرتفع منسوب مباه البحار.
  3. If Tom wakes up late, he's late for school. If tom wakes up late --- He's late for school.
    If tom wakes up late
    He's late for school.
    حين ينهض طوم متاخرا، فإنّه يتأخر على المدرسة.
  4. Your bones grow if you drink milk. Your bones grow. --- If you drink milk.
    Your bones grow.
    If you drink milk.
    تنمو عظامك عندما تشرب الحليب.
  5. Water and oil don't mix if you mix them. Water and oil don't mix. --- If you mix them.
    Water and oil don't mix.
    If you mix them.
    لا يختلط الماء والزيت عندما نخلطهما.