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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةالمضارع البسيط

الإختبار الأول

إختر التصريف الصحيح للفعل.

  1. Ayla --- do --- dos --- does her homework.
    أيلا تقوم بواجبها.
  2. Ali --- sends --- send --- sendes a letter to his father.
    يرسل علي رسالة إلى والده.
  3. Sarah --- don't --- doesn't --- is like fish.
    سارة لا تحب السّمك.
  4. Omar and Rami --- is --- is not --- are my best friends.
    عمر و رامي هم أفضل أصدقائي.
  5. Today --- is --- does --- are Friday.
    اليوم هو الجمعة.
  6. Maria --- hate --- hates --- hats insects.
    ماريا تكره الحشرات.
  7. They --- doesn't --- don't go to the park.
    هم لم يذهبوا إلى الحديقة.
  8. My sister --- don't --- doesn't like football.
    أختي لا تحب كرة القدم.
  9. We --- likes --- liks --- like to jump.
    نحن نحب القفز.
  10. The bird --- fly --- flies --- flys high.
    العصفور يطير عالياً.