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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةضمائر الملكية

الإختبار الأول

إختر الصيغة المناسبة لتكمل بها الجملة.

  1. We buy a new car.It is our. --- It is ours. --- It is theirs.
    It is our.
    It is ours.
    It is theirs.
    إشترينا سيارة جديدة.
  2. She got a nice pet. It is hers ---It is her ---It is his
    It is hers
    It is her
    It is his
    لقد حصلَتْ على حيوان لطيف.
  3. Give me that paper.It is my not youre. ---It is mine not yours. ---It is me not you.
    It is my not youre.
    It is mine not yours.
    It is me not you.
    أعطني تلك الورقة، إنها ورقتي و ليست ورقتك.
  4. My dad and I made a sand castle. It is yours. --- It is us. --- It is ours.
    It is yours.
    It is us.
    It is ours.
    لقد بنينا انا وأبي قلعةً رمليةً.
  5. I have a bicycle.It is mine. --- It is me. --- It's his.
    It is mine.
    It is me.
    It's his.
    عندي دراجة هوائية.
  6. This test has my name on it.It is yours. --- It is ours. --- It is mine.
    It is yours.
    It is ours.
    It is mine.
    إسمي مكتوب على هذا الإختبار.