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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةالماضي التام

الإختبار الأول

إختر التصريف الصحيح للفعل.

  1. The HR was gone before he --- has finish --- had finished his work.
    مدير الموارد البشرية قد ذهب ذهب قبل أن ينتهي من عمله.
  2. She --- had send --- had sent him a message.
    قد أرسلت له رسالة.
  3. The boy --- had not see --- had not seen his father for 10 years.
    لم يرَ الولد أبيه من 10 سنوات.
  4. Her face --- had changed --- has changed.
    لقد تغير وجهها.
  5. My mom --- had done --- has done with her job.
    قد أنهت أمي عملها.
  6. The crying girl --- has not left --- had not left her room for two months.
    الفتاة الباكية لم تغادرغرفتها من شهرين.
  7. I --- had recognized --- have recognized this face in an instant.
    لقد تعرفت على هذا الوجه في ثانية.
  8. We --- had fall --- had fallen asleep before 5 o'clock.
    قد غططنا في النّوم قبل الخامسة.
  9. The grade 10 students --- had translated --- has translated these sentences.
    تلاميذ الصّف العاشر قد ترجموا هذه الجمل.