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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةمواضع الظروف و ترتيبها

الإختبار الأول

إختر الصيغة الصحيحة للجملة مراعياً المكان الصحيح للظرف.

  1. He slowly speaks. --- He speaks slowly.
    He slowly speaks.
    He speaks slowly.
    هو يتحدث ببطئ.
  2. My sister sings beautifully. --- Beautifully my sister sings.
    My sister sings beautifully.
    Beautifully my sister sings.
    تستطيع أختي الغناء بشكل جميل.
  3. I clean my room quickly. --- I clean quickly my room.
    I clean my room quickly.
    I clean quickly my room.
    أنظف غرفتي بسرعة.
  4. I hardly ever sleep at night. --- I sleep at night hardly ever.
    I hardly ever sleep at night.
    I sleep at night hardly ever.
    بالكاد أستطيع النوم ليلاً.
  5. The dog outside walks.--- The dog walks outside.
    The dog outside walks.
    The dog walks outside.
    الكلب يمشي في الخارج.
  6. I always play with my cousins. --- I play always with my cousins.
    I always play with my cousins.
    I play always with my cousins.
    أنا دائماً ألعب مع أولاد عمي.
  7. I will go to the festival tomorrow. --- I will tomorrow go to the festival.
    I will go to the festival tomorrow.
    I will tomorrow go to the festival.
    سوف أذهب غداً إلى الإحتفال.