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تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةأدوات التعريف

الإختبار الثاني

إختر أداة التعريف المناسبة و لا تختر شيئاً إن لم يكن هناك داعي لوضع أداة تعريف.

  1. There is --- a --- an --- the red flower here.
  2. Lara is drinking --- a --- an --- the cup of milk.
  3. Beirut has --- a --- an --- the airport.
  4. This is --- a --- an --- the expensive skirt.
  5. My mother is --- a --- an --- the honest woman.
  6. I am singing --- a --- an --- the French song.
  7. Lara reads --- a --- an --- the English story.
  8. I like --- a --- an --- the flowers in your garden.
  9. Sandra likes --- a --- an --- the flowers.
  10. He has never been to --- a --- an --- the Alps before.