تعلم اللغة الإنجليزيةالمعلوم و المجهول
الإختبار الثاني
حدد الصيغة الصحيحة للجملة.
- The mouse was chased by the cat.
Active voice --- Passive voice
Active voicePassive voiceتم صيد الفأر بواسطة الهر.
- The cat chased the mouse.
Active voice --- Passive voice
Active voicePassive voiceإصطاد الهر الفأر.
- Lara ate the burger.
Active voice --- Passive voice
Active voicePassive voiceأكلت لارا البرغر.
- The burger was eaten by Lara.
Active voice --- Passive voice
Active voicePassive voiceأُكل البرغر من قبل لارا.
- The children played football.
Active voice --- Passive voice
Active voicePassive voiceلعب الأطفال كرة القدم.
- Football was played by the children.
Active voice --- Passive voice
Active voicePassive voiceلُعِبت كرة القدم من قبل الأطفال.