إرشادات البداية

في هذا التمرين ستتمرن على كتابة جميع الأحرف التي مرت معك حتى الآن.
ضع أصابعك في مكانهم الصحيح. ثم أبقِ عينيك على الشاشة ولا تنظر أبداً للوحة المفاتيح. الإصبع الذي تجد عليه علامة زرقاء، هو الذي عليك إستخدامه لطباعة الحرف الذي تراه أمامك على الشاشة.

أنقر على أي زر في الكيبورد حتى تبدأ


سرعة الكتابة

الدقة في الكتابة

المدة التي استغرقتها

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In a quaint coastal village, nestled between towering cliffs and crashing waves, lived a young boy named Liam. His heart was captivated by the vastness of the ocean and the mysteries it held within. With a weathered fishing rod in hand, he ventured to the old wooden dock each day.
Under the watchful eye of his grandfather, Liam learned the art of fishing. Patiently, he cast his line into the depths, feeling the weight of anticipation. Time slowed as he sat in quiet contemplation, listening to the symphony of seagulls and the gentle lapping of water against the dock.
With a sudden pull, his heart raced as a shimmering silver fish got caught on his hook. In that moment, Liam felt a deep connection to the rhythm of life. Each day on the dock became a precious journey of discovery, not just for fish, but for himself.
Through fishing, Liam learned resilience, as he faced stormy seas and empty hooks. He discovered the value of patience and the beauty of solitude. And in the embrace of nature, he found solace and a sense of belonging.
As the years passed, Liam's skills grew, and he became a respected fisherman. But it was the lessons learned on that weathered dock that remained etched in his heartthe joy of simplicity, the awe of nature's wonders, and the reminder that sometimes, life's greatest treasures are found in the quiet moments, surrounded by the endless expanse of the sea.
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قائمة الدروس

😕 التطبيق يتطلب شاشة أكبر

هذا التطبيق معد للحاسوب و لكي تتمكن من استخدامه يجب أن يكون عرض شاشة جهازك على الأقل 800 بيكسل فهو غير مصمم للشاشات الصغيرة.

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